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Ginkoba for Enhancing Mental Shapness & Memory

Ginkoba for Enhancing Mental Shapness & Memory
Ginkoba is a natural supplement that includes the most
extensively tested Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) in the world.

Why take Ginkoba?
We always think to take care of our bodies but not often to take
care of our brains. Ginkoba safely enhances the flow of oxygen rich
blood to the brain and has been comprehensively shown to improve
memory and concentration, so you can stay sharp and accomplish
How does Ginkoba work?
Researchers believe that the beneficial effects of herbal
supplements may be the result of a single, active agent and others
are achieved with a combination of unique ingredients. This
combined effect is called a "polyvalent action" and it is the
primary mechanism of action in Ginkoba.

The polyvalent activity of two pharmacologically active
components found in the unique standardized extract of Ginkoba are
likely responsible for the benefits demonstrated in extensive
clinical study. They are flavonoids (ginkgo-flavone glycosides) and
terpenes (ginkgolides and bilobalide).
Flavonoids are plant pigments and were first isolated in the
1930s by the same scientist who discovered Vitamin C, Albert
Szent-Gyorgyi. He demonstrated that flavonoids helped strengthen
capillary walls.

Flavonoids were once called "Vitamin P." Today
over 4,000 flavonoids have been identified making it impossible to
classify this diverse group as one vitamin.
What is special about Ginkoba?
Ginkoba is made using a patented standardization process that
provides a consistent amount of active components from tablet to
tablet. Ginkoba contains a standardized dry extract of Ginkgo
biloba leaves.

The extract is standardized to a content of 24%
ginkgo flavone glycosides and 6% terpene lactones. During the
preparation of Ginkoba, the extract is purified and valuable
components, including the ginkgo flavone glycosides and terpene
lactones are enriched.
Advantages of Ginkoba
Boosts Mental Shapness & Memory
Enhances the flow of oxygen rich blood to the brain
Ginkoba Cautions
Ginkoba must be kept out of the reach of children.
Consult your doctor before using this product, if you are taking a
prescription medicine, such as an anticoagulant agent or blood
thinner, are pregnant, or are lactating, product.

Seek the advice of a professional immediately, in case of any
accidental ingestion/overdosage.
Written by Chris
Ginkoba Enhance your mental sharpnss and memory
with Ginkoba.
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