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Herbal Therapies and Remedies: The New Wave?

By: Danna Schneider
While there are a lot of people who will naysay the virtues of
alternative medicine and herbal therapies and remedies, there is
also a subculture cropping of people who refuse to be swayed by the
conventions of modern medicine and all the naysaying, and live a
completely drug free lifestyle.

And very successfully I might
The funny thing is that some of the healthiest people I know
never pop any sort of drugs or man made pills, not even Tylenol or
Advil when they get headaches. Instead, they either go without
conventional medications, or try alternative remedies or natural
methods to get rid of their aches and pains, headaches, cramps, and
The list of herbal cures, remedies, alternative therapies and
natural medicines goes on and on.

It seems you can either cure or
drastically improve a wide variety of symptoms, illnesses, mental
conditions, and even physical imperfections like acne or
embarrassing nuisances like bad breath with some sort of
alternative, unconventional, and yet oddly effective natural
Think about it, most prescription drugs and medications were at
some point derived from a natural substance in most cases. If you
can take that same product, in its natural state, don't you think
this would require less processing by your body, and be better for
your overall heatlh than putting possible toxins in your body,
which may remain for months or years and can even have residual,
long term effects?
While skepticism on the effectiveness of many of these natural
alternatives is still prevalent, there are an increasing number of
"herbal converts" who swear by any number of natural remedies and
herbal medicines to cure whatever ails them. The skepticism quite
frankly is understandable though, because a lot of companies with
watered down, ineffective products that use old and inert herbs and
natural compounds jumped on the herbal bandwagon, and have made a
bad name for the herbal business.

For every high quality and effective herbal medicine, there are
at least two or three that do not work. Researching your product of
choice is key. Does the company offer testimonials, or
standardization information on their product? Do they have some
sort of approval seal for any ingredients that may only be
effective in a certain form, or purity standard? Are they
reputable, and have they been around for a long time? These are the
types of things to research and look for when you are purchasing an
herbal supplement or alternative health product.
Whether you are taking a supplement simply for health reasons,
in other words to maintain health and wellness, or you are taking
an herbal or natural supplement to actually combat a symptom of
some kind, knowing what you are buying is key.

It is also going to
determine whether you will be among one of the growing legions of
natural medicine converts, or a skeptic who sticks to conventional
medicines. I for one, will continue "going natural".
About The Author:
Danna Schneider is the founder of the herbal and natural remedy
guide and product offering, .herbal-therapeutics.

Herbal Therapeutics: Herbal Remedies and Supplements , an online
guide to treating ailments and symptoms naturally, with a wide
range of highly effective product offerings in the herbal and
natural remedy realms.

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