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Vitamins for Health Vitamin C

Most people associate Vitamin C with the ability to fight off colds
and infections.

There's a medical basis for that association
because Vitamin C is known to be necessary for a normal, healthy
immune system.
While Vitamin C intake is fairly simple to accomplish today with
either foods rich in this vitamin or Vitamin C supplements, that
hasn't always been the case. Scurvy was once a real health concern,
associated with low levels of Vitamin C in the body. The problem
was rampant in areas of the world where fruits and vegetables high
in Vitamin C content were rare, or where people couldn't afford to
have those vegetables as part of their daily menu.

Oranges and other citrus fruits are among the more common food
sources of Vitamin C. The papaya is probably the fruit with the
single highest natural Vitamin C content. A medium papaya provides
more than the daily recommended allowance for Vitamin C for any
normal, healthy person.
Because most people associate Vitamin C with citrus fruits, you
may not realize that there are some other non-citrus sources of
Vitamin C.

If you simply don't like oranges or grapefruit, you can
still find fruits that are high in Vitamin C to add to your diet.
Strawberries and cantaloupe are among those fruits. There are some
other foods that are also good sources of Vitamin C, such as
Vitamin C has also been found to be a natural antioxidant,
meaning that it helps the body fight off specific health problems
and diseases and may even slow some of the signs of aging.

people think that Vitamin C will keep you from getting a cold, but
the vitamin's natural aid to the immune system is the only real aid
when it comes to colds. Instead of taking Vitamin C after you're
coming down with a cold, the best course is to be sure you have
sufficient levels of Vitamin C all the time.
An important fact about Vitamin C is that the body doesn't store
this vitamin as is the case with some vitamins. That means that you
need to give your body new sources of Vitamin C daily to be sure
the body maintains a sufficient Vitamin C level.

Most professionals seem to agree that getting Vitamin C
naturally is best. But if you're not getting sufficient amounts of
this important vitamin, vitamin supplements are a good idea.
Manufacturers have met the demand for more options when it comes to
vitamins, including Vitamin C. You'll find tablets, drinks and
chewables, all packed with enough Vitamin C to keep your body ready
to fight off the infections that naturally come your way.

Bob Benson is the founder of
Vitamins online. You can check out our website
at .vitamin-shoppe-coupons.info

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